
Red maple #846865

Asked August 22, 2023, 6:03 PM EDT

Hi, I was just looking for some guidance as to whether this red maple is beyond saving- it is in the yard of my new house. Thank you so much for you time! -Tyler

Carlton County Minnesota

Expert Response

Hi Tyler,

Congratulations on the new house! The maple looks old and damaged, and I suspect it’s best days are behind it. You may be better off taking it out and planting a new tree.

But that’s up to you. You should definitely have dead wood removed, and look closely at the side of the tree that faces the building.

If you want an in-person assessment, reach out to a certified arborist who can take a closer look. You can find one here:

If you choose to remove the tree and replant, this publication may be useful:

Good luck!

MJ Replied August 22, 2023, 8:21 PM EDT

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