
Can Tip Blight affect Blue Spruce? #846805

Asked August 22, 2023, 12:51 PM EDT

Can Tip Blight affect Blue Spruce?  We have Tip Blight on our Pinyon Pines, which we have carefully cut the infected areas away. We are now seeing the tips of an adjoining Blue Spruce turning brown. Is it possible Tip Blight has infected our Spruce tree, or is it some other disease?

Douglas County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Wayne,

Your spruce is affected by Cooley Spruce Galls, caused by an insect related to aphids, the Cooley Spruce Adelgid.  It's not related to your pinyon tip issues.

These tiny insects alternate between Douglas Fir and Blue Spruce; females overwinter on spruce branches and in early spring lay eggs near the branch tips.  The hatchlings move to the new growth in spring and by feeding induce the tree to produce fleshy galls at the branch tips. The adelgids live inside the galls, well protected from predators and the environment.  They leave in summer; they are already gone when the galls begin to dry out and become noticeable.  

They are considered a cosmetic problem only in all but the most severe infestations.  If you do decide to apply insecticides, you have options to treat in the fall (to kill the females before they lay eggs) or, more commonly, in spring to kill the nymphs before or as they begin feeding.  Details are included in this fact sheet:

I hope this is helpful.



An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 22, 2023, 3:32 PM EDT
Hi John: thank you very much for your speedy response to my question. I have a follow up question regarding the insecticide recommended on the link you provided.  The recommendation is to use "carbaryl (Sevin) and permethrin." To your knowledge is there an insecticide company that offers a product containing both chemicals (I can't find one)?  If not, is one product preferred over the other?

Thanking you in advance.


On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 1:32 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied August 24, 2023, 7:07 PM EDT

Hi Wayne,

I'm not aware of a product that contains both; either is quite effective alone.  You can make your decision based on safety for humans (carbaryl maybe a bit better), the environment (neither is particularly low impact), cost, or other factors that are important to you.  Be sure to read and follow all label instructions.



An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 25, 2023, 10:22 AM EDT

Got it. Thanks again John. 

The Question Asker Replied August 25, 2023, 11:02 AM EDT

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