
What’s happening to my backyard ornamental pear? #846667

Asked August 21, 2023, 3:35 PM EDT

Hi. I returned from a 10 day vacation to find many of the leaves on my ornamental pear turning brown and crispy. Mostly on the top and outside. The lower beaches do not seem to be affected. I thought it might be fire blight but the trees been ok all year until now and I understand that usually happens during a wet spring and goodness knows, it’s never wet On the western slope. Plus it’s been a zillion degrees. Can you tell me what’s wrong and how I can fix it? Thanks so much.

Mesa County Colorado

Expert Response

We did have a wet spring and have seen some cases of suspected fire blight so that is a possibility. Our conditions this spring were favorable for the disease. If you didn't see signs of the disease this spring, it is possible this is related to water. 

Have you checked the soil moisture around the tree? You can find some information on how to do that in this publication, as well as information on how best to water trees. Trees do best with less frequent, but deep watering.

I can't see the base of the tree in your photo, but if a tree is planted too deeply, that can predispose it to other issues. (see here: Science of Planting Trees.)

If you have further questions, please contact our help desk <personal data hidden> or <personal data hidden>. Master gardeners staff the desk several times a week.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 21, 2023, 5:53 PM EDT

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