
Apple tree issues #846557

Asked August 20, 2023, 10:11 PM EDT

I am growing some apple trees. Branches were grafted onto root stock. I have two questions. 1: Today I pulled off the plastic white tubing and found some white powder material on the tree. Hopefully you can see it in the picture. What is the white powder? Should I do something about it? 2: The trees are still very small, as you can hopefully see in the pictures. They are also not very straight. Will they straighten out as they get larger or should I be doing something to help straighten? Thanks, Bruce.

Dakota County Minnesota

Expert Response

The white substance on the trunk of your apple tree looks like wholly aphids. They have a substance on them that appears like cotton. If you leave the trunk protector off predator insects may eat the wholly aphids. Below is a link that has detailed information on wholly aphids and methods of control.
The trunks on your apple saplings may straighten as they age. If you would like to ensure they are upright you can use plan tape and a pole (like you have in the background in your photo) to secure the trunk in a vertical line. 
Amy J. Extension Master Gardener - HC Replied August 20, 2023, 11:08 PM EDT

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