
vegetable gardening/shallots #846516

Asked August 20, 2023, 4:17 PM EDT

at the top of oour shallots, there is a cluster of what looks like miniature bulbs. Can these be used to grow shallots next year? THey are on almost every standing greenspire, with small shallots in ground Thank you

Oakland County Michigan

Expert Response

Hi Sue, thanks for the question.

Most likely what you have are bulbils, a little bulb that forms on the flower stalk.  Usually the scape (flower stalk) is removed to divert energy to the bulbs for better growth. When the scape is not removed you get bulbils which are tiny bulbs which can be planted.  Check out the following links that may help:

Egyptian Walking Onions – Wisconsin Horticulture

Bulbils: Nature's Tiny Propagation Marvels -

I hope this helps.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 23, 2023, 10:42 PM EDT

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