
Question about Tree and Weed #846308

Asked August 18, 2023, 4:05 PM EDT


Two questions.

* Should I cut the lower limbs that of my border Pine Trees that are touching ground to prevent damage to tree or can I leave as it to maintain screen from neighbors?

* I have this new weed that has popped over the last 2-years on my property.  I seems to grow VERY RAPIDLY.  It has large stickers and many fine like  sticker filaments along stems.  The stems seem to get at least an inch in diameter and the plant seems to be over growing existing vegetation.  WHAT is it and how can I destroy/control it.

Many thanks for your assistance

Carroll County Maryland

Expert Response

Pine trees tend to lose their oldest (lowest) limbs with age, as they become several stories tall, so eventually they might die back on their own. If you want them to have higher branches now, though, you can have them trimmed off either this winter or next spring. Otherwise, it won't hurt the tree to keep them as-is.

The prickly weed looks like Wineberry, a fairly common invasive shrub that's related to raspberry/blackberry. As with any perennial weed, it would need to either be dug out, cut down repeatedly (every time new foliage appears, remove it promptly) until it exhausts itself, or treated with a systemic herbicide which will be absorbed by the foliage and will kill the roots. More than one treatment is sometimes needed for vigorous weeds; follow all product label instructions if you choose that approach.


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