
Burr oak #846086

Asked August 17, 2023, 11:07 AM EDT

Have a burr oak that was planted about 4 years old. It is looking sickly. I have included a picture for you. Any assistance will be appreciated.

Harris County Texas

Expert Response

Thanks for reaching out to AgriLife Extension.

May I ask if you have done any supplemental watering during the heat and drought?

An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 17, 2023, 4:20 PM EDT

Thank you for responding.  

In answer to your question, the lawn where the tree is planted has been watered a few times a week all summer with a lawn sprinkler system, except for a couple of weeks when the system was down with a problem.

Shouild it be watered more?  If so how much?

On Thursday, August 17, 2023 at 03:20:34 PM CDT, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied August 17, 2023, 5:53 PM EDT

Good morning!

Unfortunately, with the heat and drought, we are seeing a lot of issues with trees in the area. The increased stress is causing complications that would not normally appear. 

There are a few items to discuss.

First, picture 5 shows what may be Tubakia leaf spot. It is a cosmetic fungal disease that affects oaks. Our plant pathologist is interested in taking a look at it and is interested in a diagnosing a sample (at no fee.) Is it possible that I can visit for a sample or you can drop off at Extension?

Picture 4 indicates spider mites. 

Both of these issues are increased due to drought stress. The watering you mentioned for the lawn is not enough water for a tree. Supplemental watering for trees will require a hose on low flow. The water should be low enough it is not running off, but not long enough that it floods the area. Not only is the tree likely suffering from drought stress, but the high overnight temperatures are not enabling the leaves to transpire. It is a plant's equivalent of our sweating to heal cool. 

If you'd like to drop off a sample, our Extension office is at 13105 Northwest Freeway, Suite 1000 (on the 10th floor). We are off 290 between the Sam Houston and 610. Otherwise, if you'd like someone to come out for a sample, let me know it's ok to email you and I'll do so to connect.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 18, 2023, 10:41 AM EDT
Thank you so much for your response.  This tree is at our daughter's home --- we were helping her with concerns about the tree.  Her address is 14323 Chadbourne Dr., Houston, 77079  

Is it better for you to see the tree or for us to bring a few leaves to your office?  We can meet someone at her home to look at the tree while she is at work.  We cannot do that today, but let us know a suggested day next week and approximate time.  

Thank you again so much!

Ric and Judy Brown

On Friday, August 18, 2023 at 09:41:35 AM CDT, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied August 18, 2023, 11:32 AM EDT

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