
What weed is this? #845873

Asked August 16, 2023, 8:59 AM EDT

This year I have this weed take over a sizable portion of my lawn. I am not sure what this is and how best to eradicate it completely. Do I have to nuke the effected portion of my lawn? Or is there a way to selectively eradicate this weed? Any strategies to addresss it this year or if it is too late for this year, then early next year, would be helpful. Thanks in advance for your help.

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

Good Evening, 

Thank you for contacting the U of M Extension Service. 

From viewing your photo, it is difficult to identify the weed as they are so small. I believe it is prostrate knotweed. Here is a link to the U of M Extension Yard and Garden website about control of common yard weeds. Follow the links for management and control options:

Good Luck!

Maureen Graber Replied August 16, 2023, 10:14 PM EDT

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