
Sad Willow #844924

Asked August 09, 2023, 1:47 PM EDT

We purchased a home last fall and now have a better idea of some of the issues our yard is going through. One particular issue seems to be with a sad willow tree in the back of the yard. It drops a lot of branches and has some dead areas. It’s hard to see, but my husband believes there is some damage further up on one of the main branches. Can you help us to determine if this might be an infestation or some other contributing factor? What should we look for and what are some things we can try to help it along. Thank you for your time.

Montgomery County Ohio

Expert Response

Thank you for your question and the pictures.  The pictures helped me identify your willow as a weeping willow, but unfortunately, I cannot tell from the images what is wrong. 

I can help you by referring you to the following links that may be useful to you by helping you identify certain symptoms that are common to willows.

These symptoms can then be described to an ISA certified arborist, who can come on site and make an accurate diagnosis and suggest treatment, if appropriate. 

Certified arborists are trained in diagnostics and treatment, as well proper pruning, etc.

Weeping willow issues:

to find an ISA certified arborist near you:  

I hope you find this information useful in making decisions regarding your weeping willow.  Thank you again for using the Ask a Master Gardener online service.

Best Wishes,
Kathy M. Replied August 09, 2023, 7:32 PM EDT

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