
Decimating Our Flowers #844169

Asked August 04, 2023, 2:52 PM EDT

Hello - this little guy is eating our flowers and leaving poop. Who is he, and what drives him away?

Ingham County Michigan

Expert Response

Hello William,

That is a beetle larva of some kind. For homeowners, recommended products for controlling insect pests on ornamentals and vegetable garden plants ar cyfluthrin (sold as BioAdvanced Vegetable and Garden Insect Spray, Insecticide), bifenthrin (sold as Ortho Bug B Gon) and carbaryl (sold as Sevin). Neem oil and Spinosad may also be effective. Be kind to our pollinators by spraying in the evening and avoid spraying blossoms. Be sure to read and follow all instructions on the label before using any pesticide.

Best regards,


Howard Russell, Entomologist Replied August 06, 2023, 4:00 PM EDT

Thank you, Howard. Yes, we will isolate any poison from the flower petals. We love our pollinators.



From: ask=<personal data hidden> <ask=<personal data hidden>> On Behalf Of Ask Extension
Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2023 4:01 PM
To: William Charland <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Decimating Our Flowers (#0114095)


Attention: This email is from outside Western Michigan University. Use caution when opening links and attachments.

The Question Asker Replied August 06, 2023, 4:16 PM EDT

I forgot ask you, Bill, what kind of flowers do those beetles favor?

Howard Russell, Entomologist Replied August 06, 2023, 4:19 PM EDT

Howard, they seem to prefer our lilies, and have also taken some bites of the echinacea.


From: ask=<personal data hidden> <ask=<personal data hidden>> On Behalf Of Ask Extension
Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2023 4:19 PM
To: William Charland <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Decimating Our Flowers (#0114095)


Attention: This email is from outside Western Michigan University. Use caution when opening links and attachments.

The Question Asker Replied August 06, 2023, 4:51 PM EDT

Then they are most likely lily leaf beetle larvae.


Howard Russell, Entomologist Replied August 06, 2023, 5:06 PM EDT

Hello Howard:

I wanted to update our conversation regarding Lily Leaf Beetles and larvae. I started by using Neem Oil on the larvae, but that didn’t stop them. I then moved to a Pyrethrin product, and removed as many of the larvae as I could see, which also had no effect (larvae were back the next day). I finally went to Sevin. This may have been coincidence and timing, but the larvae disappeared, briefly.

A couple weeks later, however, the actual beetles appeared. I again started with Neem Oil, found that ineffective and went to Pyrethrin, to no avail, and finally Sevin, which they laugh at. I’m now to the point where I have to catch each beetle (hard to do with that “drop to the ground and disappear survival adaptation”) and actually drown it in Sevin in a small container. Spraying the beetles as they feed on the plant has no effect.


To help prevent this infestation next summer, what can we do? Is there a way to work a product into the ground to kill eggs and larvae? Is there a best time of year for this?


Thanks again,




From: ask=<personal data hidden> <ask=<personal data hidden>> On Behalf Of Ask Extension
Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2023 5:06 PM
To: William Charland <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Decimating Our Flowers (#0114095)


Attention: This email is from outside Western Michigan University. Use caution when opening links and attachments.

The Question Asker Replied November 02, 2023, 1:18 PM EDT
Lily leaf beetles will begin emerging next spring again and laying eggs through June in Michigan. I would recommend monitoring your lilies for adults and eggs next spring. All of the previously recommended products will be more successful against the early larvae. Once the egg laying period is over in early summer, if you have effectively protected the plants from larvae, you will not need to apply anything until the following spring. You can read more about lily leaf beetle in this article from MSU Extension
An Ask Extension Expert Replied November 07, 2023, 2:03 PM EST

Extremely helpful. Thank you.



From: ask=<personal data hidden> <ask=<personal data hidden>> On Behalf Of Ask Extension
Sent: Tuesday, November 7, 2023 2:03 PM
To: William Charland <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Decimating Our Flowers (#0114095)


Attention: This email is from outside Western Michigan University. Use caution when opening links and attachments.

The Question Asker Replied November 12, 2023, 1:53 PM EST

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