Issue with a Japanese Maple tree - Ask Extension
Hi -
I planted a Japanese Maple in my yard last year. It did okay, although it tended to look a bit poor (leaves yellowing, curling) later in the sum...
Issue with a Japanese Maple tree #844112
Asked August 04, 2023, 10:02 AM EDT
Hi -
I planted a Japanese Maple in my yard last year. It did okay, although it tended to look a bit poor (leaves yellowing, curling) later in the summer. It is doing it again this year after blooming quite healthy. Can you advise if there is something I'm doing wrong or if it needs something more than an occasional treatment of Miracle Gro? I have attached photos of the plant's foliage taken inmid-July. Thank you.
Bob Cancro, Leland
Iredell County North Carolina
Expert Response
Appears to be Leaf Scorch, typical of Japanese Maples in our area.
Potential Causes:
• Potentially too much or too little water. Check the roots to make sure they're looking healthy (tan not black)
• Too much sunlight
• Excessive heat
• Water on the foliage during the afternoon hours of the day
• Chemical applications
• Over-exposure to sunlight
Fertilization would take a back seat to correction of the cultural conditions above, and usually not necessary.