
What is wrong with my plants? ( vegetables) #843707

Asked August 01, 2023, 3:44 PM EDT

I have two questions for a client. He has tomato plants that has leaves that look dead. He is a first-time gardener and isn't sure if the plants are supposed to look like this. He used 12-12-12 fertilizer in tilled soil before planting. The second picture is of maple leaves with some white spots. He is concerned this is harmful and would like to know what it is and how to treat it. Thank you.

Alcona County Michigan

Expert Response

Good afternoon, Kelly — in the future, can you submit these as two separate requests? Not everyone has expertise in both trees and shrubs, as well as fruits and vegetables. In the meantime, I’m going to see if Barry Anderson can answer both questions.


Hi Kelly, thanks for the question.

The tomato picture is typical of a tomato that is suffering from leaf spotting diseases; however, there could be more going on.  From what is not necrotic, it appears there are signs of Septoria leaf spot.  It can be spread by air, water, and soil.  Removal of dead and infected leaves both can help reduce the inoculum. Treatment with the appropriate fungicides can help slow the progress after infection but work better as a protectant.  Sanitation and weed control are important.  Mulches will help.  Check out these links:

Septoria Leaf Spot of Tomato | NC State Extension Publications (

Tomato leaf spot diseases | UMN Extension

Septoria leaf spot on tomatoes: More ways to prevent spots before your eyes - MSU Extension

Septoria leaf spot on tomatoes | Vegetable Pathology – Long Island Horticultural Research & Extension Center (

The maple picture show what appears to be powdery mildew which can be common on maples.  Although it looks bad it usually doesn't cause significant damage to the tree.  For younger trees spraying an appropriate fungicide listing powdery mildew and Maple can be used.  See links below for additional info:

Maple: Powdery mildew | Hortsense | Washington State University (

Powdery Mildew on Trees and Ornamentals | Horticulture and Home Pest News (

I hope this helps.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 02, 2023, 8:30 AM EDT

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