
White Sweet Clover #843085

Asked July 28, 2023, 2:49 PM EDT

We live in Norwood in Charlevoix and the roads were recently redone and when they seeded the sides of the road this clover has seem to take over. What can we do to prevent from taking over anymore? And what would you suggest to reseeding it with?

Charlevoix County Michigan

Expert Response

Good Morning,
Mechanical and manual control options for sweetclover include mowing or pulling. If mowed to within one inch of the ground, and mowed regularly, sweetclover may not come back or at least will not produce seed.

3 – Control Practices – White Sweet Clover (
White and Yellow Sweet Clover Control | Missouri Department of Conservation (
print.php (
White and yellow sweet clover (Melitotus alba, M. officinalis) | Minnesota DNR (

I hope this helps.  Thanks for using our service.
V/r, Replied July 31, 2023, 7:41 AM EDT

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