
Safe to eat tomatoes affected by black walnut wilt? #843059

Asked July 28, 2023, 1:34 PM EDT

Hello, I planted my first garden in raised beds this year. I grew several tomato plants only to find out later they’d been affected by black walnut trees on my property. The plants have still produced a large crop of tomatoes, which look normal and healthy despite the wilt. Are the tomatoes safe to eat even though the plants have been affected by the black walnut toxicity?

Kent County Michigan

Expert Response

Hi Alexa,

This is a tricky question. Some plants tolerate being grown in the vicinity of black walnut trees implying they are safe to eat. Other plants are sensitive and don't grow well. Many people have gardens near black walnut trees. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any reliable articles that say it is safe to eat produce from these gardens, or any articles that say it is unsafe. Caution would say "if in doubt, throw it out". Check out the following links:

Black Walnut Toxicity – Wisconsin Horticulture

Your black walnut tree is out to get you | CAES Newswire (

Growing vegetable gardens near black walnut trees - MSU Extension

I hope this is helpful.


An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 31, 2023, 8:32 PM EDT

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