
use of mothballs in garden #842967

Asked July 27, 2023, 11:41 PM EDT

Rabbits and squirrels are a problem in my vegetable garden.  I've heard that mothballs will help keep them away.  Is this safe and effective?

Arapahoe County Colorado

Expert Response

Hello Andy and Estelle,

Thank you for reaching out to Ask Extension with your question about these pesky garden critters!

While many people use mothballs to repel garden pests, you should never use mothballs in this manner. Mothballs are pesticides registered by the EPA and they contain Naphthalene and some still contain para-dichlorobenzene. It is actually illegal to use them outdoors, which will be stated on the label. They will contaminate soil (with the possibility of it getting into your veggie crops and eaten) and are toxic to humans, pets and wildlife. Here is more information:

The best way to manage wildlife in your garden is exclusion. Try to fence off your garden area, if possible. When that isn't possible, you can use an animal repellent that is registered for use for rabbits and squirrels. Here is more information about this:

I hope this helps!


Dawn Fradkin Replied July 28, 2023, 1:24 PM EDT
Thank you so much for your reply and for the links.  I will share this information with my garden club on Monday night.
Truly yours,
On 07/28/2023 11:24 AM MDT Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied July 28, 2023, 7:41 PM EDT

You are welcome! Good luck with your garden veggies.


Dawn Fradkin Replied July 31, 2023, 11:48 AM EDT

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