
Grazon in the garden #842590

Asked July 25, 2023, 5:36 PM EDT

Will hot peppers absorb grazon if planted in grazon contaminated soil even if they show no signs of contamination

Linn County Iowa

Expert Response

Hi Rick,

Thank you for contacting AnswerLine. We shared your question with our horticulture specialist and here is their response: 

The short answer is yes. The plant may absorb the chemical and not be impacted by it either because the herbicide’s mode of action doesn’t impact that particular species or because the concentration is not large enough to cause symptoms. To confirm the presence of the chemical, you could send a sample to a lab for testing, but often the results are not conclusive or difficult to interpret. You can do a simple home test that will not tell you what is in the soil, but will confirm if there is something in the soil. More information about that here:

NC State has some great information: We also have some information about herbicide carryover.

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