
Shrub Identification #842586

Asked July 25, 2023, 5:09 PM EDT

Hello, We have a shrub growing next to our house. I think it is a volunteer because we did not plant it on purpose. I have noticed it for the past 3 years and left it alone. This year it is finally starting to get big and I'd like to know what it is. I have seen this same kind of plant at a house near High Street on East North Broadway between the roadway and sidewalk in Clintonville. It seems to be ornamental, but I also don't want something invasive growing in our yard. I have not noticed a particular flower in spring. Nothing like a redbud, even though it does have heart-shaped leaves. Thank you, Lisa

Franklin County Ohio

Expert Response

Thank you for your question to Ask a Master Gardener Volunteer with eXtension.

It can be rather difficult to identify plants by photos, but I do believe your "volunteer" plant is a Cercis Canadensis or Eastern Redbud tree.

See the following sites/videos for further confirmation:,vid:x7GkOuD6IKE

It would probably be best if you relocate your volunteer as these plants turn into small trees.  

Good luck to you.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 27, 2023, 8:40 AM EDT

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