
Cool weather crops planting schedule #841467

Asked July 19, 2023, 11:40 AM EDT

Do you have a fall garden planting schedule for cool weather crops for Broome county? Also, where can I find the cool weather plants since most garden centers are already closed?

Broome County New York

Expert Response

Hello Casey,

Thank you for your questions.  Attached is an image of the succession planting chart from The Farmer's Almanac by crop and average first frost dates.  Yes, finding transplants may be difficult.  The Broome County Regional Farmer's Market operates Saturdays from 9 to 1 with lots of vendors.  Some do sell a variety of live plants.  Salad greens can be direct sown from seed starting in August if you can shade the area a bit.  They will germinate poorly in very warm soils so if you can cool the site with shade cloth or even an old sheet supported with wire or plastic hoops that will help.

More great resources can be found here:

Let me know if you have further questions.

Linda Svoboda
Horticulture Program Educator
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Broome County

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 20, 2023, 10:36 AM EDT

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