
Sick Tree #841388

Asked July 18, 2023, 6:11 PM EDT

(I submitted this query a few days ago and got a reply, but it disappeared.) We moved into a new house in The Plains about a year ago. There is a lovely tree in our yard called a weeping Alaska cedar. Not long after we moved in, the tree started turn a rusty brown color. I don't know what it is, a pest or some kind of blight. Can you help us with that?

Athens County Ohio

Expert Response

Alaskan cedar trees are important in Alaska and British Columbia where there is usually much moisture.  Perhaps, therefore your tree is reacting to the lack of moisture and hot weather.  You therefore might need to keep the soil moist.  See  The Morton Arboretum website,, also indicates that the plant needs consistently moist soil.
You should call a certified arborist if you suspect diseases or insect infestations because I cannot help you through pictures.  You can find a certified arborist in your area by searching  I hope you can solve your problem.
Lori N. Replied July 20, 2023, 11:04 AM EDT

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