
Red bugs and Lilies #841313

Asked July 18, 2023, 1:09 PM EDT

My lilies are being eaten this year, and I’m not sure how to help them. I have noticed a couple different kinds of red bugs in my yard that I haven’t seen before and I’m not sure what they are and how to help get rid of them in a safe way. I’ve attached photos of the plant leaves and bugs.

Washtenaw County Michigan

Expert Response


The damage to your lilies is caused by the lily leaf beetle. Lily leaf beetles can be a destructive nuisance—to the point that they can kill the plant. Cutting the plant down is one solution but does not mean that you will eradicate the beetles. There is only one generation per season but they overwinter as adults in soil, plant debris and other sheltered areas. The next spring, the adults who are strong fliers emerge to seek out host plants. Read about the lily leaf beetle and how to manage it here:

And here:

In addition to hand picking they can be treated with insecticides which, sadly, may also affect friendly insects, pollinators and predators.

As a solution, replace the lilies with other perennials. There are lilies that are not susceptible to the beetle such as daylilies.

If you do choose to treat with insecticide, read the label to ensure that the insecticide can be used on lilies and follow the directions on the proper application of the chemical.

Thank you for contacting Ask Extension.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 19, 2023, 3:02 PM EDT

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