Locust tree dieing #841169
Asked July 17, 2023, 6:21 PM EDT
Why is my Locust tree dying?
The leaves are yellowing and dropping.
No new growth this year
Weld County Colorado
Expert Response
Hi, this is Steve and thank you for your Ask Extension question regarding your locust tree. It’s difficult to diagnose a problem based on your pictures. However, two of the most common issues with locust are canker and collar rot. I’ll send a link to a CSU fact sheet and perhaps you can do some diagnosis based on the information contained. The other issue to think about would be if there has been any work around the roots (digging/construction/applications of herbicides/etc) which could cause a sudden decline in the tree.
Here is the link to the fact sheet: you would like to submit further pictures, please send a picture of the entire tree in the landscape, the trunk where it goes into the soil, and any other pictures of damage to the trunk or limbs.
Again, thank you for your question.
After reading your fact sheet, I think I have canker in my tree. Your thoughts?
3 photos added.
Thank you.