
Pear Tree Dying #841035

Asked July 17, 2023, 10:51 AM EDT

Our office received an email asking about what could be affecting their pear trees. They planted two Cleveland Pear trees 3-4 years ago. They have some brown spots on the leaves and the smaller of the 2 trees appears to be dying off. Is anyone able to help identify what could be affecting the trees and if there is a way to save them?

Ottawa County Michigan

Expert Response

This looks like a fungal disease, such as pear scab or Fabraea leaf spot. Fungal diseases can be controlled prophylactically with a preventative fungicide, but infected leaves and fruit cannot be cured. More information is available below. There is also leaf scorch evident in the photo, which could be caused by a disease or environmental conditions, such as the heat and drought we have been experiencing. It is important to determine how the trees have been cared for, whether they have been irrigated, etc. The tree in the photo is likely to recover, but I would recommend a preventative fungicide program next spring if it is a wet spring.


Thank you for contacting Ask Extension! Replied July 17, 2023, 6:21 PM EDT

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