
Splotches on tomato #840914

Asked July 16, 2023, 12:40 PM EDT

Good afternoon. I've noticed the tomatoes (and peppers for that matter) I have growing in containers are showing smooth brown spots when they ripen. Do you know what could cause this? The top appears normal, but then the underside reveals the spot.

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

Hi- the photos are a bit out of focus. Tan-brown discolored areas on the fruit bottoms is a symptom of blossom-end rot.
Yellow-white discolored areas on the tops and sides of fruits is a symptom of sunscald. Remove and eat or discard affected fruits as soon as possible.

Keep plants well-watered and harvest fruits when they first turn color and bring them indoors to finish ripening. The flavor and texture will be just as good as if you let them fully ripen outdoors and you will experience many fewer fruit problems.

Key to Common Problems of Tomatoes

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