
Why do my rose bush leaves keep getting spots #840577

Asked July 13, 2023, 7:44 PM EDT

Hello, why rose bush keeps getting these spots I added mulch and coffee grounds for fertilizer, trimmed off everything that looked in bad condition and used diatomaceous earth and still getting these spots while I see nothing that looks like it’s causing this damage. Pictures included

Broome County New York

Expert Response

Hello Tiffany,

Thank you for your inquiry and the photos. I'm not sure what is going on with the rose. It doesn't look like any of the usual suspects. It almost looks like some kind chemical injury - something splashed on the foliage and petals that caused a scorch. Has anything happened in the area like washing the siding on the house or washing a car nearby? Even mild detergents can burn foliage in the sun.

If the spots don't change or progress in any way then I don't think it is disease.

Here is a good website to help identify rose problems:

See if anything matches your current symptoms.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

Linda Svoboda
Horticulture Program Educator
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Broome County
840 Upper Front Street Ste. 1
Binghamton, New York 13905-1566
<personal data hidden>

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 14, 2023, 1:40 PM EDT

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