
Apple Tree Rooting #840567

Asked July 13, 2023, 6:57 PM EDT

Hi, I am growing an apple tree at 8,400' and a neighbor's horse reached over the top of my tree enclosure, grabbed the top of my tree and ripped it out of the ground. As of today no buds have opened. The tree is still green when scratching the bark later off. However, I just noticed the tree was loose in the ground and inspected it for roots and noticed there are no active growing roots off the root ball on the bottom of the tree. 

Is there any hope of the tree surviving and if so, what can I do to help it stay alive? Would applying a rooting hormone and constant watering help reestablish roots? The tree is about 3 years old. Thank you!

Custer County Colorado

Expert Response

Hello Andrew,   If it is not too big, you might try putting it in a pot and seeing if you could keep an eye on it that way.  8400' is pushing the elevation limits for apple production, may get fruit every 4-10 years depending on microclimate.  If the cambium is still green there is a chance, not sure how much of a chance, dependent on how much energy the tree still has, so up to the tree at this point.  Good luck.
Susan C, Chaffee County Director, Horticulture Specialist
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 17, 2023, 5:31 PM EDT

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