
Trimming dead limbs from oak trees #840463

Asked July 13, 2023, 11:42 AM EDT

I understand that I should trim oak trees in late fall or winter, to prevent oak wilt infection through the new wound. Does that also apply to trimming off completely dead branches (leaving just a dry stump)?

Anoka County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thanks for your question.

As long as you are sure that the limb/branch is dead, it can be pruned now (mid-July 2023). Dead branches are usually brittle, devoid of foliage, and may even show signs of decay or discoloration. When pruning these dead branches make a clean cut just outside of the branch collar. This is the swollen area at the base of the branch where it attaches to the trunk or larger branch. Try not to leave any stubs or cutting into the branch collar.

If you are removing larger branches do this in a three-step manner. First, make a partial undercut about a foot away from the branch collar. Then secondly, make a second cut from the top a few inches further out from the first cut.  Allow the branch to fall. By doing this the full weight of the branch is removed so that when the remaining portion of the branch falls, there is no tearing of the bark on the trunk itself. Lastly for the remaining portion of the branch, make a clean cut just outside of the branch collar from the top.  See the following: - :~:text=Oak tree trimming is best,and as soon as possible).

Good luck. Please get back to us with any further questions.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 13, 2023, 2:43 PM EDT

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