
Yellow leaves on tomato plant #840267

Asked July 12, 2023, 11:56 AM EDT

With apologies, I just sent this request and noticed after I hit send that I had messed up my email address. These are two potted Sungold tomato plants. The leaves are yellow. They are pot it in a mixture of organic potting soil, and Leafgro. I water every day unless it rains and fertilize every other week with a standard vegetable fertilizer. Why do the leaves keep turning yellow? There is a third potted Sungold in the same area as these and its leaves do not turn yellow.

Anne Arundel County Maryland

Expert Response

Hi- your plants are quite healthy and productive. The containers are a bit small (therefore the root systems are too small) to support the very large number of leaves, stems, and fruits. Older leaves are yellowing and dying more quickly than they would if plants were in the ground or growing in larger containers (5-10 gallons). The 3rd Sungold is probably experiencing less stress due to more favorable growing conditions.

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