
The tree in our front yard has unusual line ending up in a large dark spot. #840249

Asked July 12, 2023, 10:37 AM EDT

Tree in front yard (unknown species) has a new split line that ends up in a large dard spot. I am enclosing pictures. Can you help me identify the problem and offer possible solutions?

Clermont County Ohio

Expert Response

Hello Barry,

Thank you for your question.

This appears to be what is called a "frost crack." These usually occur when warm weather is followed by freezing weather. We had several episodes of that this past spring in Ohio. The dark spot is most likely sap that is "bleeding" from the tree's wound. 

The following website offers an excellent explanation. The good news is, frost cracks are not typically fatal to the tree.

Let us know, if you have additional questions. (-:

Char Rae Replied July 13, 2023, 7:31 AM EDT

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