Help! Tetrapanax Starts Everywhere #840159
Asked July 11, 2023, 4:27 PM EDT
I have a tetrapanax papyrifera rex that I put in the yard about 5 years ago. It took a few years for it to gain height and establish itself, but it eventually got up to about 7 feet tall, with one tree trunk. However, last winter the extended snow left from the holiday snow/ice storm seemed to kill it. I had no new growth this past spring and when I scraped the bark, I couldn't see any green or signs of life. So, by early June, I chopped it down (see stump in pic attached).
Here we are a month later, and I have tetrapanax starts springing up everywhere! I have an entire grove of tetrapanax in the making. HELP! Is this going to be like chasing bamboo runs? How do I stop this? Initially, I was digging them up where the roots connect to what seems to be an underground tap root. And then I was seeing if I could root them and have some new plants to give away. But now, it's seems to be really out of control.
Multnomah County Oregon
Expert Response
You'll need to get all of these shoots (from underground runners, aka rhizomes) pulled as you find them and, with enough persistence, you will eventually eliminate them. Good luck!