
Peach Tree Leaf Disease #839630

Asked July 08, 2023, 2:31 PM EDT

I have two peach trees that are about 6 years old. This year and last year after the leaves sprouted and grew to full size, they developed holes in them, died, and dropped off. This has happened to about 80% of the mature leaf canopy. In their second or third year, I had a problem with leaf curl which I treated and I don't see signs of that any more. This seems to be something different. The trees get about 6-8 hours of direct sun in the morning until early afternoon. They are planted in a side yard in soil that is a mix of topsoil and clay (like most of this area). Can you tell me what is going on with my poor trees. They seem to be struggling.

District of Columbia County District of Columbia

Expert Response

Hi- it's likely that your tree leaves are infected with either 

1. one of the bacterial shot-hole diseases:
2. bacterial spot disease  (you will also see symptoms on fruits):

Prune your tree to maintain an open canopy and improve air circulation and leaf drying. Gather and dispose of all diseased plant parts.

Thanks very much!  From the literature, I’d say it’s more likely the bacterial shot hole disease.


I appreciate the help.



The Question Asker Replied July 10, 2023, 12:13 PM EDT

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