
Can you help me identify this hazelnut? #839625

Asked July 08, 2023, 2:14 PM EDT

There is a hazelnut tree at the house I am renting. I am not quite sure what species it is. The older trunks have silver patches which, from pictures I've seen, suggests corylus cornuta. However, the nut clusters look like what I understand corylus avellana should look like. I counted rings on one of the older trunks and the tree is 20+ years old. I have attached some pictures.

Multnomah County Oregon

Expert Response

It can be really difficult to tell them apart by photos of the nuts, especially in the Willamette Valley where we have volunteer seedlings all over the place. There is no guarantee that is a named variety. That said it is definitely not C. cornuta you are correct. It appears to be avellana dominant. It does resemble 'Barcelona', which was the most common variety 20 years ago.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 11, 2023, 6:51 PM EDT

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