
Peach Tree Cytospora Canker? Is there a fix? #839481

Asked July 07, 2023, 2:45 PM EDT

This is on the trunk of my peach tree. I just scraped out a bunch of gummy ooze from it. The last image shows the ooze that gathers at the trunk of the tree. I scraped it away, but you can see it circled in red. I'm thinking it probably is Cytospora Canker, but I don't know for sure. If so, is there anything I can do to help the peach tree heal?

Boulder County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Angie,
I believe you are right when it comes to it being Cytospora Canker. For trying to heal the tree, unfortunately because it's on the trunk of the tree and it's a very large wound, there isn't anything that can be done. If it was on a branch you could've pruned the branch off and that would've helped. If you have other fruit trees in the area you should remove this peach tree before the canker can spread to any other trees. 

Here is a fact sheet all about it and how to prevent it in the future:

CSU Extension Boulder County Master Gardeners
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 12, 2023, 8:31 PM EDT

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