
Grass Seedhead Shape Question #839411

Asked July 07, 2023, 9:04 AM EDT

I have attached a sketch of a grass seedhead I would like to identify. There is a cental vertical spike with five spoke-like spikes radiating horizontally from the node. Spikes are about 2 to 2.5 inches long, and they do resemble photos of Bermuda grass spikes. However, all the photos I have seen of Bermuda grass spikes have them arranged in a cone shape radiating from the node. Is there a cultivar of Bermuda grass with this shape of seedhead, and is there possibly another grass with this seedhead shape? Predominate grass is a coarse bunch grass, no stolons seen as with Bermuda grass as of this date (July 7).

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

Grass identification can be challenging under even the best circumstances.
You can take a look at the grassy weeds portion of this page, which (includes Bermudagrass/Wiregrass and others), and has tabs for specific things to look for, including the flower (inflorescence), which does look similar to your drawing:
If still in doubt, consider sending us a couple detailed of photos of the grass you are seeing and we will take a look.


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