
Linden tree problem #838687

Asked July 02, 2023, 3:33 PM EDT

Our linden tree looks ill. From research jn hon the web looks like it could be a fungal infection or bacterial canker. Can you tell from these pics what it is? The branches are droopy, worse at the bottom than the top but starting to affect the top. Worse jn know side than another. Little growths in some of the leaves. Still very green.

Scott County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you for your question and pictures. You are correct that it could be bacterial canker or a fungal infection. Lindens also suffer from leaf spot, powdery mildew and wood decay. If you notice any holes on the bark, it could be a linden borer. Branches slowly die from the bottom to the top, similar to what you described. Here is an article from Wisconsin Extension about this borer:

Since there are many diseases that affect lindens, I would encourage you to consult a certified arborist. It's hard for me to pinpoint exactly what is going on without examining the whole tree. Here is a link to find a certified arborist in your area:

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 03, 2023, 5:43 PM EDT

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