
Insect egg identification #838435

Asked June 30, 2023, 2:05 PM EDT

Hello! I just found a cluster of little green eggs on the stem of a sweet pea plant in my garden. I haven't seen before and Google wasn't helpful, so hoping you can help me identify. I've attached a picture. Again, this is on a sweet pea plant.

Thank you!

Broomfield County Colorado

Expert Response

Most insect eggs can't be definitively identified because of lack of physical traits that differentiate them. The eggs in the photo are relatively generic looking so I do not have an ID for you. 

Thank you and have a wonderful day, 

Crystal Cooke

-Insect photos and samples can be submitted for identification through the Plant Diagnostic Clinic for a fee-

Crystal Cooke, Ph.D. Replied July 21, 2023, 12:10 PM EDT

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