
White Pine sap flow #838198

Asked June 29, 2023, 8:49 AM EDT

I have about 20 or more young white pines scattered through a wooded area (not trees that planted) that are showing small sap flows on the trunk. Some of the trees with the sap also have small areas of brown needles. Other trees in the area are not affected in this way. Some years ago I was told to apply Bayer Tree and Shrub to a tree with these symptoms. If the trees do have a borer of some kind, should I use the same pesticide? I'm very grateful for professional advice!

Antrim County Michigan

Expert Response

It would be good to have some more information.  Can you send some additional photos of the entire tree that are affected.  it is good practice to first identify what is the cause of the problem, if it is caused by an insect, what stage it is in prior to applying an insecticide.  That way we are not applying a product that may be unnecessary or applied at an incorrect timing.   

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 29, 2023, 11:44 AM EDT

The white pine sap in the photo is tall (30 feet??) and has significant sap flow, but only one area of browning near the top. One photo shows the brown needles and the third shows the sap flow.

I have more photos if you need them.

The Question Asker Replied June 30, 2023, 9:22 AM EDT

It is difficult to determine the cause from the pictures and information provided.  Generally borer insects do not cause the tree to die, but can attack trees that are already under stress from some other event.  The sap you see flowing from trees may not be of great concern.  I wouldn't necessarily think you need to applying an insecticide unless you can find more active insects/damage on trees. You may consider contacting an arborist ( and have them come to your site and do a more detailed examination.  

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 30, 2023, 3:49 PM EDT

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