
Why are these tomato plants wilting? #837785

Asked June 27, 2023, 10:23 AM EDT

These tomato plants came up healthy and growing vigorously. Then about a week ago they started wilting. Varieties are early girl, celebrity and better boy. They are in a raised bed with compost and aged horse manure. They water them daily, not enought to have standing water, but it soaks in. They have found a few white grubs in the soil, but not a lot. This same problem occured last year with the tomatoes.

Rice County Minnesota

Expert Response

Several diseases cause tomatoes to wilt.  However, we can't detect distinctive symptoms by viewing the photos.

If you review the diseases and symptoms described here, you may be able to diagnose the problem:

If your review is inconclusive, for a certain diagnosis, send samples of the affected plants to the University of Minnesota Plant Disease Clinic.  Because the plants have wilted two years in a row, consulting the clinic is advisable.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 28, 2023, 5:05 PM EDT

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