
Is this Giant Hogweed #837766

Asked June 27, 2023, 9:10 AM EDT

I'm apologize for no close ups, this was located in a very dense patch of vegetation with lots of brambles but it's visible from the sidewalk. Is this Giant Hogweed? The plant is located on Old Vic Road in Olney , across the street from Andrew Kim House / Our Lady of Good Counsel High School. It's a woodland preserve area so it's not maintained.

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

Fortunately, no, this is not Giant Hogweed. Instead, this appears to be Black Elderberry, a native shrub whose fruits are popular with birds and whose flowers support various pollinators. Although the flowers can be somewhat similar between the two, the foliage is very different and the flower cluster size is smaller on Elderberry and the stature of the two plants also differs.


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