Honey Bees and Poison Hemlock - Ask Extension
Do honey bees visit poison hemlock? Is the plant a hazard to the bees or people eating honey from this?
Honey Bees and Poison Hemlock #836252
Asked June 18, 2023, 1:19 PM EDT
Do honey bees visit poison hemlock? Is the plant a hazard to the bees or people eating honey from this?
Stark County Ohio
Expert Response
Good afternoon. I am not finding any concrete documentation indicating that honey bees visit poison hemlock, nor is the honey produced dangerous. Honey been visit many, many different plants to meet their pollen and nectar requirements. Therefore, any chemicals they would acquire would be diluted. Here is some further reading if you are interested: https://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/32901-how-honeybees-avoid-toxins-in-flower-nectar