
Autumn Blaze Maple Turning Color in June #835951

Asked June 16, 2023, 11:56 AM EDT

This tree (Autumn Blaze Maple) was planted last fall in late September or Early Oct. It has started to turn color already and we are wondering if this is normal? We are in an association and the irrigation system runs every other day I believe! Is there something we need to do, more water, less water, fertilizer? Thanks

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

Irrigation systems work great for grass but not so great for trees.  Sprayer heads especially can lose much water through evaporation when it is this dry. New trees are best watered with a slow drip hose.  Mulching  also helps retain water at the root level. Just don’t let the mulch touch the tree trunk—8-10 inches away.

I would like to see a picture of the base of the tree.  Maples are often planted too deep and develop root problems.
MaryKay, Master Gardener, Tree Care Advisor Replied June 17, 2023, 1:46 PM EDT
Attached are the pictures of the base tree trunk you requested.
Thanks for the info, we pulled the mulch away so it doesn't touch the trunk.
The soil is mostly clay. We aren't sure how deep it was planted, we didn't do it.
Let me know what you think!


Sue Gipp

On Sat, Jun 17, 2023 at 12:46 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 18, 2023, 11:59 AM EDT
It was planted way too deep.  You can see how the bark has deteriorated.  Keep pulling the soil away until you can see the roots coming out from the trunk.  Check for any roots circling around the tree.  If no circling roots keep dirt off the roots.  If circling roots check with a arborist. Circling roots can slowly strangle/kill a tree.  Maple trees are especially prone to this problem.  An arborist can clean and cut circling roots if they aren’t too bad. Trees like  this maple often blow over in storms because they can bend and stretch with the wind if the root flare and circling root issues are not corrected.

The immediate problem is not enough water. Watering is crucial for new trees to establish a strong root system. The tree might drop some of those leaves and regrow new ones this summer if watered properly. See the website above for information on watering trees.

MaryKay, Master Gardener, Tree Care Advisor Replied June 18, 2023, 2:17 PM EDT

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