
What is eating my tomatillo? #835671

Asked June 14, 2023, 5:15 PM EDT

Hello there! I am wondering what is killing my tomatillo plant. I have attached 2 pictures of what I assume are it's eggs/larvae(?) and what it is doing to the leaves. I haven't actually seen the actual bug yet. I have 2 "super verde" tomatillo plants I purchased from the St Paul Farmer's Market this spring. They are both in the same, very large container (this worked well last year). Whatever it is has completely eaten all of one of them and most of the other one. So my questions are a) what is it? b) how do I get rid of it? c) will it eat my other plants (a couple variety of tomatoes, cucumbers, anaheim and habenero peppers, some shallots, and beans)? d) if I give up on these two plants and try again, what do I need to do to make sure it doesn't happen again. Thanks in advance!

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

Finally got a picture of the bug! 

The Question Asker Replied June 16, 2023, 6:49 PM EDT

Thanks for the pictures.

As far as I can determine these are larvae of the Three-Lined Potato Beetle (Lema daturaphila). Reflective of where you are finding them they are also called tomatillo leaf beetles. See the following for images of the adult and of the larvae:

Take a very close look at IMG 4193. You may want to try and magnify it as well. These larvae have the delightful habit of covering themselves with their own fecal material. It is thought that this may be a protective device to make themselves less appealing to predators. The following will provide you with further information about this pest together with remedial procedures: - :~:text=The three-lined potato beetle,stripes running down its back. - :~:text=Threelined potato beetles are usually,esfenvalerate to reduce their numbers.

Good Luck and thanks for using our forum.


An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 18, 2023, 7:19 PM EDT

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