
Withering leaves - young Honey Crisp Apple Tree #835509

Asked June 13, 2023, 7:37 PM EDT

Hello, We planted a youngish (approximately 15') Honey Crisp Apple tree in our yard in late April. It flowered nicely and currently has some (about 8) apples growing on it. However, some of the leaves have turned brown or partially brown, have curled and appear tattered or possibly chewed upon. Initially I thought it have had to do with the mid to late May hailstorms, but now I wonder if it may be some sort of disease. Can you please advise as to whether this is likely weather-damage and a temporary condition, or if it may be more serious and requires specific care? Please let me know if you need more information. Thanks for your help! Susan Bawn

Boulder County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Susan,

It looks like the holes are due to hail but the curling leaves indicate pests. If you hand pick the leaves and dispose of them in the trash since there aren't many that will help. Also, as fun as it is to get apples on a new tree, to promote strong root establishment you may consider letting the tree produce no more this year so that it can put its energy into robust growth. If you notice any type of insects when you pick off the leaves that may help determine what it is. If the leaf browning and curling was more widespread it could indicate exposure to a nearby pesticide or herbicide but in this case it looks pretty isolated. If it happen to more a horticultural oil might target the intruder.

here is a handout of pome fruit trees which may help:

Keep an eye on your tree and be sure to remove the tree supports if it starts to cut into the tree to prevent bark damage and let the tree strengthen on its own especially after the first year. 

Best wishes,
colorado master gardener help desk
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 14, 2023, 10:00 PM EDT

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