
Unknown Plant/Weed in Garden Bed #835124

Asked June 12, 2023, 8:46 AM EDT

While weeding the garden bed, I noticed this very large plant/weed. Smaller offspring were scattered in the front of the bed, and I pulled those. Before I touch this, I want to be sure what I am touching is not hogweed. If it is hogweed, I would like some advice. Thank you so much for assisting me!

Macomb County Michigan

Expert Response

Hi Stacey -
In my research, I believe what you have is mugwort:  Artemisia vulgaris.  This plant (weed) is an aromatic herb, and is known as an insect repellent.  It reproduces mostly by rhizomes.  Here are some identifying characteristics:

Since I am not in your garden looking at the plant, be sure to check this, and compare it to the Giant Hogweed images and identifying characteristics:
It's best to be sure of what you have before you try to eradicate it.  In any case, be sure to use good gloves and wear long sleeves when dealing with any unknown weed. 
Please respond if you are still unsure of the identification.
I hope this helps.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 13, 2023, 12:22 AM EDT

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