
identify a caterpillar (grub) #834996

Asked June 11, 2023, 9:57 AM EDT

what type of caterpillar is this and is it harmful to plant. Found several of the in flower bed and compost pile

Oakland County Michigan

Expert Response

Hello William,

That is a Millipede (Class Diplopoda).

Millipedes live primarily outdoors in soil and decaying vegetation where they typically feed on decomposing plant material. They may attack growing plants but seldom in numbers sufficient to cause serious damage. They occasionally become numerous indoors as a result of migrations from outside or they are known develop in the soil of potted plants. They are not known to bite people or pets. Millipedes can be controlled by eliminating moist hiding areas such as piles of leaves and grass clippings that may be present around the building. Crawl spaces should be well ventilated to reduce moisture buildup. Avoid over-watering of outdoor plants. In the fall, millipedes are known to congregate in large numbers in garages and on driveways. Chemical control of millipedes is only necessary if they become very numerous indoors. Treat basement, foundation and immediate area around the house or building with permethrin (sold under a variety of brand names), cyfluthrin (sold as Bayer Advanced Vegetable and Garden Spray) or bifenthrin (sold as Ortho Home Defense Max or Ortho Bug-B-Gone) or other similar products labeled for use around homes. A vacuum cleaner is the best method of control indoors.

If the millipedes were feeding in the home garden then the cyfluthrin or malathion can be used to control their damage.

Be sure to read and follow all instructions and safety precautions found on the label before using any pesticide.

For more on millipedes see


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Howard Russell, Entomologist Replied June 11, 2023, 10:56 PM EDT

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