
Established rhubarb plant leaves turning red with some curl #834767

Asked June 09, 2023, 2:36 PM EDT

This is an established rhubarb plant that gets full late morning/afternoon sun. It was relocated to this location 2-3 years ago and has been amazing, except this year. I have attached 2 photos, one taken late May and the other today. I also have a nearby tree about 20' from the rhubarb plant that is dying, uncertain if there is a correlation. There is a field of Xmas trees that begins about 15' from the rhubarb and tree, and it was sprayed a few weeks back, although it could be totally unrelated, as I do believe the rhubarb plant was already in this state. I have fertilized the rhubarb with store purchased bagged manure that was purchased last year. THANK YOU!!!!

Clackamas County Oregon

Expert Response

Thank you for your question, Diane.  Without knowing what was sprayed, I can't tell whether the rhubarb problem is caused by an herbicide drift, or the bacterial disease described here:  I suspect the bacterium.
The leaf holes are probably caused by either opportunistic insects, or the holes just rotting out where the bacterium grew.  You will need to remove and destroy the plants, and find another area appropriate for rhubarb, to prevent its return.   If you want to confirm the diagnosis, you can submit plant tissue to the OSU Plant Clinic:
I hope this is helpful.  Good luck!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 12, 2023, 1:01 PM EDT

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