
Apple trees #834279

Asked June 07, 2023, 10:46 AM EDT

The leaves on my apple trees are splitting and some have holes a couple of the apples have some spots on them. I've tried comparing images to figure out what's wrong but nothing seems to quite match. Do you have any ideas what might be happening? I check them several times a day and don't see any bugs on them

Dakota County Minnesota

Expert Response

Good Morning Michael, 

Thank you for contacting the U of M Extension Service. 

Please click on this link from the U of M Extension Yard and Garden website about growing apples in the home garden:

If you scroll down to Managing pests and disease it states: 

Note that just because you are seeing some damage doesn’t mean all hope is lost. One apple tree will produce a lot of apples, so losing a small number to birds and bugs isn't a reason to stress.

This early in the season, it might be apple scab. This is discussed under "Diseases" in the above information. 

Good Luck!

Maureen Graber Replied June 08, 2023, 8:52 AM EDT

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