
Lime Sulfur mix #833482

Asked June 03, 2023, 8:20 AM EDT

I planted two grape vines about a month ago. One was Concord the other Catawaba. I picked a black spotted leaf off the Concord today and threw it away before I thought to take a pic. Google has me thinking it’s grape black rot and that the best remedy is a lime sulfur mix in the spring. Being that it’s still pretty mild out can I still try this? Any container grape growing recommendations?

Prince George's County Maryland

Expert Response

Black rot is the most significant and widespread grape disease in home gardens. Applying lime sulfur now would most likely cause leaf burn. Concord is particularly sensitive to sulfur. Lime sulfur is considered to be "fair" in effectiveness against black rot when new shoots first emerge.

Immunox (myclobutanil) is the most effective synthetic fungicide available to home gardeners.

VA Tech spray guide for fruit:

Growing grapes in containers:

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