
Hello, what species of Clematis to plant in my Littleton Home #833306

Asked June 02, 2023, 2:59 AM EDT

Hello: Looking to plant several Clematis plants on my fence line around my Littleton, CO home. Bright sun available (SW facing). I understand that there are 300+ species of Clematis- any recommendations for me? Love to have one that grows as a vine over my existing fence, feeds the neighbors bees, and will grow and expand long term without great effort. Very best, Brian Murphy <personal data hidden>

Jefferson County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Brian,

Clematis can generally do pretty well here with bright sun and amended, well-draining soil. While I don't have a specific recommendation, here is a CSU resource that goes into some more detail about planting clematis and mentions a few different varieties: You might also consider a clematis called Virgin's Bower (Clematis virginiana) that is native to our area!



Hania Oleszak Replied June 02, 2023, 2:30 PM EDT

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