
Peach tree only partially leafed out #832477

Asked May 28, 2023, 11:33 PM EDT

I have a peach tree that is approximately 10 years old. Fruit production has been sporadic but the tree itself always appears very healthy. This year only a few leaves have emerged and it appears that young branches are dying back. It was pruned rather aggressively in January and fertilized with Kelp, Humic, and Fulvic Liquid Fertilizer. Can you say what went wrong, and can it be saved?

Boulder County Colorado

Expert Response

Hello Jerry,

Thank you for your question regarding your peach tree. As you may already know, flowers appear before the leaves. Did you notice a standard amount of flowers this year?

I wouldn't be too concerned yet. Leaves will generally appear on the newer scions (the newer woody growth). I see lots of new growth, just not new leaves yet. The leaves that have appeared look normal from the photos you sent. If you are able to send a photo of the base of the tree where it meets the ground and a closeup photo of a leaf, that would be helpful. Also how many hours of sun does the tree get?

Thank you,

Allisa Linfield
Horticulture Program Coordinator
CSU Extension El Paso County

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 31, 2023, 6:06 PM EDT
Hi Alissa, 

Thank you for the response. There weren’t any flowers at all this year, and it appears that the new growth is dying back. Through the winter and earlier this spring the small new growth was all green and looking healthy, but now you can see that the ends of the branches are turning brown. The few leaves that have emerged do look healthy though, as you observed. 

I noticed that there is a large spot on the trunk that’s oozing sap, which I don’t recall happening in the past - see new photos attached. Some of the sap has made it to the ground. 

The tree gets about 6-8 hours of direct sun at this time of the year.  


From: ask=<personal data hidden> <ask=<personal data hidden>> on behalf of Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2023 5:06 PM
To: Jerry Crisafulli <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Peach tree only partially leafed out (#0102403)
The Question Asker Replied June 01, 2023, 9:45 AM EDT

Hello Jerry,

Thank you for the additional photos of the canker on the trunk. That is an important symptom to notice. Cankers like that can often be a symptom of bacterial infection. The high relative humidity and cooler temperatures can lead to infections like this taking off. More information on causes and management can be found in this fact sheet:

Unfortunately, management of bacterial cankers on peach trunks can be difficult and is not always successful. You may want to have an ISA certified arborist come look at the tree if you want to move forward with any of the treatment strategies in the fact sheet. I'm very sorry that I don't have better news to share. 

Feel free to reach out with any additional questions.


Allisa Linfield
Horticulture Program Coordinator
CSU Extension El Paso County

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 05, 2023, 12:52 PM EDT
Thanks Alyssa. Not the response I was hoping for but it does seem appropriate. I ’ll see what the arborist has to say.  That tree grew some delicious peaches!


From: ask=<personal data hidden> <ask=<personal data hidden>> on behalf of Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Monday, June 5, 2023 12:52:16 PM
To: Jerry Crisafulli <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Peach tree only partially leafed out (#0102403)
The Question Asker Replied June 05, 2023, 6:17 PM EDT

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