
Elm tree sapling near mature Poplar tree #832384

Asked May 28, 2023, 10:51 AM EDT

Hi - we live in Annapolis. Recently purchased a house with a wooded spot - many mature trees over taken by invasives. We are working in removal (goats and cutting back), trying to save a beautiful mature healthy poplar tree. We noticed a healthy Elm tree sapling coming out of the base of the poplar we are trying to save. What should we do with this elm sapling? It’s terribly interwoven with the poplar roots. It’s a tree we’d love to save. But, would it be viable? Any other ideas or thoughts? We are open to all suggestions. Thank you.

Anne Arundel County Maryland

Expert Response


With the Elm trees root growing up and intertwining with the poplar, it may be best to remove the tree all together as it will be really difficult (impossible?) to be able to dig enough of the root system to relocate it. 

You could do an internet search on how to take a cutting from it and try to root a new tree. Generally Elm are not the easiest to grow from cuttings and you would probably need some rooting hormone.

It could potentially be a non-native Elm too. Chinese elms are not considered invasive in the state of Maryland, however it can freely seed and is considered a 'weed tree' from US Forest Service . Elm trees are fairly difficult to tell the species when they are young.

Let us know if you have further questions about this. 


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